Fredrick Njagah

Fredrick Njagah


5.00 5.0

Nairobi, Kenya
Joined on: November 12, 2014


I have been in the Software development Industry Over 15years. I love writing code and solving problems both simple and complex. My Experience gives me an edge and guarantees quality output in record time.

.Net HTML5 Javascript PHP


  • Darkroom JS Plugin
    Darkroom is a Javascript Application that utilizes fabricjs and html5 canvas to facilitate image manipulation. I was able to enhance it by adding a plugin that enables zoom and panning of the image.

  • Web Banking Portal
    Nacico Sacco limited, web portal for 40,000+ clients, and potential new members to login and register and apply for accounts and loans, check balances and print statements. Implemented using PHP, codeingniter, javascript, HTML5 and mysql.